A short Curriculum Vitae

I was born in Førde, a small town on the west coast of Norway, and grew up in an even smaller village called Leikong on the island Gurskøy, which is located to the south of the city Ålesund.

After a few years doing this and that I started my undergraduate studies at the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics in Oslo in August 1986. In January 1992 I obtained the Norwegian Cand. Scient. degree (Master of Science) with the thesis "Observations and analysis of the mutual phenomena of the Galilean satellites in 1990-1991", supervised by Kaare Aksnes.

From January 1992 to April 1994 I worked as a support astronomer at the Nordic Optical Telescope in La Palma, Canary Islands, a student position financed by Norges forskningsråd (The Norwegian Research Council). Scientific project: "Linear polarization and molecular clouds" , in collaboration with Gösta Gahm, Per Carlqvist and Päivi Harjunpää.

From April 1994 to April 1999 I did my PhD studies at the Stockholm Observatory with Göran Olofsson as my supervisor. PhD thesis title: "Luminosity Functions of Embedded Young Stellar Clusters" , based on mid-IR surveys with the camera aboard the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) .

From May 1999 to May 2000 I held a post-doc position at the Astrophysics Division of the European Space Agency , ESTEC, Noordwijk, working with Malcolm Fridlund on the project "Starformation processes studied with ISO and HST" .

In the period 2000-2002 I was a member of the committee ROMFORSK in the Norwegian Research Council.

From May 2000 I have been employed as an astronomer at the NOT. Between June 2000 and April 2004 I was the deputy Astronomer in Charge, and in the period March - July 2002 my position was Acting Astronomer in Charge.

Changed family name from Kaas to Djupvik in 2004.

Maternity leave from the NOT from June 2004 to June 2005.