Splits multiperiodic line-profile variations in amplitude and phase diagrams, and subsequently compares these diagrams with those of a model of the 3D surface-velocity field.
Gies & Kullavanijaya (1988)
Telting & Schrijvers (1997): Monte-Carlo simulations of IPS diagrams
Mantegazza, Zerbi, Sacchi (2000): PPM method
Zima (2006): FPF method
Features of the method:
Pulsation modes up to L∼20 can be detected in rotating stars
Can also be applied to slowly rotating stars
Is more sensitive to sectoral modes
(|M|=L) than to zonal modes (M=0)
Is complementary to the Moment Method
The FPF method is
accessible to everyone through the FAMIAS package
(Zima, Poster 60)